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and React



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Latest Projects

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AI service

An app to discover quality local destinations, powered by OpenAI. Built with Next.js 13 and React Server Components to optimize rendering performance. The data layer is managed by Prisma as an ORM, paired with React Query to achieve optimistic updates.

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React SPA

A decentralized crowdfunding marketplace developed with React using Vite. The platform features a custom design implemented with Tailwind CSS. React Router manages dynamic routing, backed by a serverless PostgreSQL database. Desktop only.

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NextJS app

A web application developed using the Next.js framework, leveraging its pre-rendering capabilities. It's styled with Chakra UI for responsive design. This is an ongoing project aimed at contributing to the Spanish Ethereum open-source community.

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Static website

A startup-inspired website, handcrafted exclusively with HTML and CSS. It features a responsive design tailored for different devices using media queries. The site utilizes a bit of JavaScript to animate the interactive mobile menu.